Monday, January 7, 2019

New Ulm, Minnesota: the Hose family

Robert Hose as a very young man.
I purchased this group of photos while I was home for Christmas. This is another instance where I purchased everything the dealer had. I hate to see family photos split up and sold to different buyers.  Thankfully someone identified most of these photos, and those that were not identified, I could figure out who some were.
Verso says Martin Hose, Alma Hose, Lulu Hose boys are Carl and Walter

These three darling girls are part of the Hose family, but at this time I can not find out who their parents are.

Myrtie Hose daughter of William and Mary Hose and husband Gustav Homan

Robert Hose

Walter Hose and sister Myrtie Hose; children of William and Mary Hose

The William Hose farm; William and Mary Hose and children Myrtie and Walter
Verso says Bertha Hose wife of John Hunn
Unidentified Hose family, purchased with rest of Hose photos.  Dealer said they came with the Hose photos.

These are all unknown Carte de Visite photographs, I purchased with the Hose family photos.
At this time I do not know if there is a relationship to the Hose family.

The little boy who liked hats: Stanley Hunter of Seattle, Washington.

December and the madness it entails is over.  I purchased a pile of new photographs, which I will post here. The first group is of Stanley Hunter, taken in Seattle, Washington. I do not have information at this time.  The photos appear to be taken in the 1920-30 time period.
verso says Stanley and ________ Hunter.  Stanley is the little boy in the dark "skirt" 

verso says Stanley Hunter.